On Wed, Sep 22, 2004 at 01:13:25PM +0200, Geert Uytterhoeven wrote:
> > 1) If the available and default choices for Amiga, Atari, and Mac are sane;
> I think they are.
> Except that Mac uses the new input layer in 2.4 and later.

Even for bus mice?

> This is also valid for other subarchs in 2.6.

You can review the full code in question at:


> > 2) If anyone has anything to regarding VME or Q40/Q60 machines.
> Q40/Q60 has PS/2 keyboard, so I guess it has a PS/2 mouse as well. Richard?

I could still use an answer on this point.

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[EMAIL PROTECTED]                 |    want to cry.
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