Hi all, It looks like cernlib has been building on the ARM buildd "netwinder" since 31 August, and the m68k buildd "kiivi" since 6 September. These seem like awfully long times; more typical build times are ~16 hours on ARM and ~35-50 hours on m68k. These two arches and bug # 255970 are the only things holding the current cernlib version out of testing.
Could someone please check into the status? I remember there have been some problems in the past with the log files being too big for automatic handling, so this may be the case again. In future releases I'll try to cut down on the size of cernlib build output. Thanks and regards, -- Kevin B. McCarty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Physics Department WWW: http://www.princeton.edu/~kmccarty/ Princeton University GPG public key ID: 4F83C751 Princeton, NJ 08544