
thanks for the fast reply and the detailed description. Please find my
comments in the copy of your message below.

On 26.08.2004, you wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 26, 2004 at 09:04:23PM -0500, Peter Krummrich wrote:
>> Hi,
>> seeing all your discussing new kernels, I was wondering about the easiest
>> way to switch between kernels. I am still using 2.2.20 from Woody, but
>> would be interested in testing 2.4.x or even 2.6.x kernels on my Amiga.
>> How can I get (load .deb archive?), unpack (use dselect or dpkg?) and
>> install a new kernel with the option to easily switch back to my old
>> kernel in case the new one does not work?
> apt-get install kernel-image-2.4.27-amiga kernel-image-2.6.8-amiga 
> This will put modules, config and system map in the right place. Unless
> you are using lilo (amiga-lilo is not included in Debian AFAIK, it does
> not work for me, if somebody else wants to package it, go ahead), you do
> not want to install a new lilo.config, nor create a boot floppy. You have
> to copy the kernel (/boot/vmlinuz-<version>-amiga) to you Amiga partition,
> ie /Amiga/Debian/kernel. Then on reboot just use the new kernel-image
> instead of the one that shipped with woody. For this I created several
> boot scripts similar to the one that shipped with woody, each loading a
> different kernel. Also I mapped these boot scripts on function keys in zsh
> (great shell written by Martin Gierich) so I can blindly boot 2.2.25 by
> pressing Amiga-ESC followed by F1, 2.4.25 with F2, 2.4.26 with F3, 2.4.27
> with F4, 2.6.8 with F5, ... my Amiga video card and scan doubler are still
> mostly broken and it seems nobody want to donate one, but even then I only
> have two monitors for 6 computers, one PS2 and a VCR, so not needing a
> monitor is a plus.

The description sounds good. One question that came to my mind - what can I
do, if the new kernel does not boot, i.e. how can I return to my old
kernel? Can I just boot the old one using amiboot and the old vmlinuz file
on my Amiga partition (are the appropriate modules, config and system map
still there)?


>> I am mostly interested in a new frame buffer device driver. The clgenfb
>> that comes with Woody (1.4?) seems to have some serious problems.
> Serious problems? It might still have debugging on, but other than that, I
> haven't heard of problems? Anyway, you can always grab the source
> (kernel-source-<version>), the m68k patch (kernel-patch-<version>-m68k),
> and maye kernel-package and roll your own. If you want to know how, just
> download the source for a kernel-image-<ver>-amiga and "debuild" the
> package after editing your config.
> Christian

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