V Pá, 30. 07. 2004 v 03:17, Wouter Verhelst píše:
> > Unfortunately in 5 seconds there started to scroll an error message
> > saying "bogl: don't know screen type 2"..
> Could you try booting with "nolangchooser"? That should disable bogl,
> and make installation possible, albeit without the language chooser...

It does work now! What a miracle! Thank you.

> > The bad news is that bogl (what's that?)
> An application that uses the frame buffer to set up unicode. Required
> for CJK, but not really for English.

Aahh. Looks like I was not alone
Pity google doesn't know the answer.

Anyway, now I am only like three years behind you. I am about to install
Woody :) Well, not really. I want to see Sarge running here but the
kernel needs a magic parameter or two to start booting....

I'll better go sleep now.


P.S. I hope Stephen now takes my sarge installation bug report more
seriously when he sees my machine actually can run linux :-)

P.P.S. it would be good if some of this hardly earned experience got
into the Sarge installation manual to save other some trouble,

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