Here's the message I got from a good friend of mine about his Amiga
collection. He's moving and leaving his Amigas behind to sell.

Amiga 4000 with 50M, SCSI, Cybervision '040, Network Card,
Toaster/Flyer, Vector
waveform monitor, Flyer Octopus cable, CD-ROM, Highflyer.

SCSI tower with every UW SCSI drive I've got. At least 30G worth. I
haven't counted the space on the drives yet.

1084 monitor

2000 with GVP '030 50Mhz, Studio sixteen, Personal Animation recorder
and 500M drive, Flicker Fixer, Personal TBC IV linked to the PAR

Outboard DPS Chassis with two more TBC IV's in it.

I'll accept the best offer on any individual item, so let me know what you're interested in!


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