On Sun, Mar 28, 2004 at 10:39:33PM +0200, Lionel Elie Mamane wrote:
> Hi,
> Please help me move scsh from woody/main to woody/non-free by
> rebuilding it for all 32 bit released architectures (don't try on 64
> bit architectures, it won't work). I can't do it because I am not a
> Debian Developer, hence I don't have access to the Debian machines.
> Ready-to-build package at http://www.conuropsis.org/~lmamane/ .

Built for m68k on quickstep (To my amazement, I discovered I still had a
woody chroot, and even a potato one, lying around on its hard disk,
gathering dust). Do you want me to upload them to the archives, or
rather to somewhere else?

(Note, I did a binary-only build; you'll have to take care of the source
build through a/your sponsorà)

     smog  |   bricks
 AIR  --  mud  -- FIRE
soda water |   tequila
 -- with thanks to fortune

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