Christian T. Steigies wrote:

On Mon, Mar 15, 2004 at 09:57:06PM +0100, Erik C.J. Laan wrote:
I could not (yet?) find 2.4.25

I received the install messages about one hour ago, you should able to download them now. Of course, if you get your files from a mirror, it might take a little longer.

OK, downloaded the 2.4.25-mac image just now and ....

They come further compared to the 2.4.1 I tried a few months ago. 2.4.1

That sounds like we are making progress!

didn't get the framebuffer up, and as I do not have a working serial setup
anymore, I couldn't continue testing. However, the 2.4.20 and 2.4.24
kernels initialize the framebuffer and oops later on, with the message
"Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!". I can provide more details if
anybody is interested. Please say so, than I'll restart that kernel and
type the messages.

That looks like what I am getting. Once I typed in the oops and ran it through ksymoops, but it din't really give me a clue. I don't think you have to type it in, those people who could fix this, can create those messages themselves. But if you have a clue what to fix, send patches my way.

... tried it. Same message as 2.4.20/2.4.24.

HTH, Erik.
Erik C.J. Laan                          elaan at
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