Christian T. Steigies wrote:
On Tue, Feb 03, 2004 at 09:46:18AM -0500, Hank wrote:
Just a report on a compiler failure using kernel2.4.24-source.
The debian kernel-source?
Geert told me to use the following source: cvs -z4 -d :pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/home/linux-m68k/cvsroot checkout -r m68k-2_4 linux
Which I did.And applied his patch which worked on the keyb problem.
Well, I see Debian's patch--it's a 2.4.20 patch--should I use the 2.4.20 debian source?Can you try the m68k kernel-patch with that
Anyway, I've got a vmlinux now. And I did a make -k modules to keep the compiler going
on the error on the macsonic. module. It's running now. And I just got Geert's macsonic patch. But
I've got to go to pretty soon. I'll have to apply Geert's new patch before I hit the sack and wait
another 6-8 hours for the 840AV to do its thing.
Well, I tried the vmlinux without finishing the modules or applying the macsonic patch.
I got the penguin plus the following which I'm typing out manually: Do you have a fax?
d0:00000000 d1:00000d24 d2: 00000000 d3: 0024df9c d4:0024e000 d5:0013ac06 a0: 00000000 a1: 0011a438 Process swapper (pid: 1, stackpage=0024d000) Frame format=7 eff addr=0024dde8 ssw=0545 faddr=00000000 wb 1 stat/addr/data: 0005 0013ac02 000047c8 wb 2 stat/addr/data: 0045 0024e000 0000a80c wb3 stat/addr/data: 0005 0024dda8 00002000 push data: 000047c8 000ed3fa 0024df9c 000ed281 Stack from 0024ed0c: 0024de64 00000000 00000000 0000a80c 0024df34 0013abf0 00004af2 0024df34 000ed59b 0024c23c 00000001 0024d000 0024df34 0024df34 000074a2 000edb6d 0024df34 00000000 000edb55 00000000 00000100 0024df34 00000007 00000000 00000000 etc. 00000000 etc. 00000000 etc
Call Trace: [<0000a80c>} [<00004af2>] 000ed59b>] {<000074a2>} {<000edb6d>} {<000edb55>} {<00007670>} {<000e7ca4>} {<000042ec>} {<000039c8>} {<00007008>} {<00077e06>} {<0007e18>} {<00077d70>} {<000e7ca4>} {<00077d70>} {<00001000>} {<00002000>} {<0000a80c>} {<00002068>} {<0000a80c>} {<00003de0>} Code: 3030 2a00 2f00 4879 000e d401 4e94 508f 5282 7209 Kernel panic: Attempted to kill init!
Well, I checked it twice. I doubt these problems will disappear with the new patch. Guess I need to hook up a line printer for output?
Well, thanks for the help Geert and and Christian. Hope this helps you out.