> > > I figure I need to get somewhere with my C coding, and I was
> > > thinking that writing drivers for my unsupported AMIGA hw might
> > > be a good way of progressing.
> I was thinking that writing DMA support for the SCSI controller on my
> Mac would be a good place for you to start :)

Hehe, maybe in the future if someone sponsors me with a mac :)

> I'm very much a beginner, but that's the deal, isn't it?  Read source
> code.

Yup, I will.

> I got a few clues from reading the information here
> http://linux-mac68k.sourceforge.net/
> and at the NetBSD port mailing list archives and pages.


> I highly recommend Alan Cox's schpeal about porting the Linux kernel
> to the Mac (after it was already ported to Amiga).  I had no idea
> about how to even go about any of these tasks before I read it, and I
> found it very enlightening.  Every now and then I read it again, and
> find I understand this or that part of it better.
> Good luck,

Thank you.



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