Forwarding to the list since I was not the initial poster. ----- Forwarded message from [EMAIL PROTECTED] -----
Date: Sat, 13 Sep 2003 14:36:48 -0400 From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Subject: Linux 4 Centris 650 Hi Christ, I'm Theodore. I saw your post to the linux-m68k list and just wanted to relay some information to help you out. You see, just a month ago I took my Centris 650 and put Potato on it. So, after partioning with Apple SC Setup, the installer couldn't see a swap partition. So, I nuked the partitions and did them from the program called by the installer (fdisk?). That worked fine, but install didn't go fine. On my C650 with a 32MB SIMM, it turns out that there about a megabyte of memory that is a shadow copy of rom-bios. So, the installer would 'blue-screen' during installation. After looking around, I found passing MEM=31M to the kernal with Penguin allowed for proper functioning with no page faults. Remember that, for you have the very same model, though your quantity of ram may very (just subtract a meg). I didn't try a cd-rom install, i copied the distributions off my gold disc to hard disk before attempting to install (i figured it would save time since the factory cd-rom drive is like 300k per second and a scsi hard drive blows that away.) Cheer, good luck, let me know if any of this help Theodore Jardine ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) ----- End forwarded message ----- -- Debian GNU/Linux Operating System By the People, For the People Chris Tillman (a people instance) toff one at cox dot net