On Thu, Sep 04, 2003 at 10:29:37AM -0700, Douglas wrote: > Hi, I'm a medium level LINUX user with little > programing experience trying to install Woody on a Mac > Centris 650. I've previously had Slink installed on > this same machine but haven't played with it in > several years. Now I thought I'd try Woody > > My problem is rather strange. I'v partitioned the > disk several times with different applications in the > same manner that I did when installing Slink. The > problem is that the installer won't recognize any of > my partitions as either Swap, or Linux partitions. > More strange is that now the installer on the Slink > disk ALSO refuses to see the partitions, no matter > what method I use to partition the disk. > > Worse, when I first tried to install Woody, it DID > recognize the partitions, but wouldn't mount the > install CD when it cam time to install the base > system.
There is a bug mounting the CD, you must start without the CD in the carrier and put it in after the installer has loaded. > Since then I've tried several different > applications to re-format the hard drive (a 1.2gb IBM) > and partition to specs, and downloaded a second copy > of the Woody install CD. Now it has the partition > issue. Is this an installer problem? Or possibly is > my hard drive and/or CD drive not supported? Why will > Slink not install anymore? I think one of your applications formatted the disk as a PC disk rather than a mac disk. Partition 1 should be the partition map, and probably has been made into a partition instead. You can use mac-fdisk to re-initialize the disk, the i command, and start again. > Note that I have two Debian Woody install CDs, one an > "Official" CD received by mail, and a second > downloaded and burned. Both exhibit the same behavior- > though oddly they are organized slightly differently. > > > Dose anybody have any ideas? I'm not too handy with > mac-fdisk either, so if anybody has a link to a good > step-by-step primer for it I would appreciate it. There is some info at http://penguinppc.org/projects/yaboot/doc/mac-fdisk-basics.shtml (this link is also in the woody installation manual). -- Debian GNU/Linux Operating System By the People, For the People Chris Tillman (a people instance) toff one at cox dot net