on 5/7/03 4:58 AM, Richard Hector wrote: >I'm trying to install woody on a Mac LC 475, with HDD upgraded to a 1.2G >Quantum from a PowerMac (so it's apple branded), 12 MB RAM, and with an >Asante NIC. Oh, and it reports no FPU, which I gather can cause problems, >but I don't know if that includes this one. Can the CPU just be swapped >for one with an FPU, or can an FPU be added?
You can swap the no-FPU 040 chip for a full 040. This is a common upgrade, since neither linux or bsd run properly on the no-FPU chip. Sometimes hard drives from PowerMacs have Apple disk drivers that are PowerMac only and are difficult to downgrade into 68k compatibility.