> > On the opposite spectrum from compilers compiling themselves... I'm > having a problem just getting a Debian install (of woody) going at all > on my Quadra 660 AV. I believe this time to have my home network setup > at least to where it'll see other machines on my local net and also out > to the internet. So now it's time for my first real boot after all the > installation is done. I've exported a directory on my hard drive that > I've copied the contents of a cdrom onto for use with another machine > without a functioning cdrom drive, and while booting, after it enters > runlevel 2, and after it's loaded inetd and statd and lockd, it's stuck > at loading nfsd. The machine seems to be locked up. At least I don't > know how to interrupt it. And I can't get to another virtual console > either.
disable automatic startup of nfsd and try it manually with strace. Richard