On Thu, Dec 05, 2002 at 09:06:45PM -0800, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> > [1] The NetBSD project recently received a batch of documentation from
> > Apple, on the condition that they would share it with other interested
> > parties. They have offered, but AIUI Linux/m68k developers don't have
> > the manpower to actually do something with that documentation.
Yes, we have these documents too.  No, we have no-one with enough time
to actually do something with them.

> Hrmmm. I happen to have a Quadra 605 and Too Much Time on my hands. Who
> do I need to get in touch with?

The linux for Mac68k mailing list (cc'd).

I've been out of the picture a bit lately, so I can't say for sure what
would be the best project to start on.  I would guess 2.4 kernels don't
even boot on the thing, so that's where I'd start hacking.  Get the
latest kernel mac68k kernel from CVS (see http://www.mac.linux-m68k.org/
for details), and do whatever you feel needs doing.  Post patches to the

cheers, Alfred

 Alfred G. de Wijn
 Home address:  Cambridgelaan 199 k 3, 3584 DZ Utrecht, The Netherlands
 web: http://www.iluvatar.eu.org/~dwijn

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