> If you get INIT 1: respawning to fast: waiting for 5 minutes after the
> first phase of installation, when starting the second that's a sure
> indication of a buggy CPU. It indeed dpkg-configure crashing.
> Options:
> 1) Put in a full 68040 (ebay, easy to get) or a non-buggy 68LC040 (hard
> to get).
> 2) move inittab.new to inittab and start installing package and their
> dependencies by hand (with dpkg -i) until you have a somewhat working
> system. I'd start with apt and dselect and their deps, so they can
> figure out the rest. Expect this to give you troubles cause the buggy

So if I understand correctly, I can replace the chip in the LC475's. I
thought as much. Now do you know the chip number on the chip because if my
boss buys these chips (im guessing there pretty cheap) he would like to
buy them in bulk so he doesn't pay delivery charges.

Do you know the chips number for the ones that aren't floating point
emulation doesn't work? We have like 75 LC475's :)

Your right. DSELECT does not work at all, I was planning to try dpkg -i
but will the bug stop X windows and opera to work?


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