I dont know, i know it sounds obvious and youve probabbly already tried it,
but is there a chance that it could be a keymap problem? I know i had a
hell of a time gfetting the keymap set right for a uk amiga keyboard.
(incidently if anyone needs a .xmodmap file for a uk-amiga keyboard let me
know ;)

On 27-Oct-02, you wrote:

> On Sat, Oct 26, 2002 at 03:44:13PM +0100, Aled wrote:
>>> I cannot think of any change to the X server code from 3.3.6 to 4.0 or
>>> later that would have broken this.  It's handled in XF86Events.c.
>>  it works absolutely fine here whether x is run at startup with xdm, or
>> started from a console with 'startx'. (on amiga)
> May you can help Ray out?

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