Hi, just installed debian on my amiga, have a couple of problems with it-

1. for some reason under linux the date is set as year 1902, the time and
month/day are correct but the year is 100 years out. no idea how this
happend cos i thought linux dates only went back to 1970

2. i have a picasso 4 board, i used the clgen installer, and read the doc
for the clgen driver but it seems to refer to an older version of debian. i
have installed X but cant seem to get it to work. i dont seem to have the
fb0x devices mentioned in the text in /dev. also i cant find any info on
which driver to choose in the xfree86-server config, and which option
should i choose for the mouse?


Aleds amiga system-
A4k 040/40 TowerHawk
74Mb fast-ram
Picasso IV gfx card
Oktagon SCSI - CD + CDRW
Hypercomm Z3

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