On Sun, Aug 04, 2002 at 06:27:24PM +0200, Thomas Scherk wrote: > Hi, > > under TOS my SCSI-CD-ROM-Drive works fine. > > I try to install Woody m68k for the ATARI TT030. I have copied drivers.tgz > and rescue.bin to c:\atari\images_1.44. > > Now I am at the state that I want to install the base system. I have got the > 6 CDs. While booting Woody from Harddisk C:\atari\bootstra.prg, Woody tells > me that it has recognized my CD ROM at SCSI ID 3 and names it sr0. > > I want to install the rest from CD, espacially because on my Harddisk C:\ > under TOS I have got the 8+3-name convention. The CD has directories which > succeed this convention. Example: "binary-m68k". > > How can I mount the CD-ROM within installation and use it for Installation?
I take it you've already tried selecting the Install from CD-ROM menu item (after selecting Install Base)? Does it give you errors? You might try mounting it manually in the shell (Alt-F2), like mount -t iso9660 /dev/sro /mnt and then pointing the installer to a 'already mounted partition' instead. -- *------v--------- Installing Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 --------v------* | <http://www.debian.org/releases/stable/installmanual> | | debian-imac: <http://debian-imac.sourceforge.net> | | Chris Tillman [EMAIL PROTECTED] | | To Have, Give All to All (ACIM) | *----------------------------------------------------------------*