We have received bids from from Santa Fe, Argentina and Asahikawa,

Thank you for bidding to host DebConf 26. We depend on volunteers to
make DebConf happen.

There were also earlier expressions of interest from Khon Kaen,
Thailand, and Hadfield, UK. If these teams would like to continue to
bid, please let us know (and ensure your bid wiki page is complete).

We would like to hold a public IRC meeting, where we can discuss all the
bids.  We will talk through the pros and cons of each bid.  Later
discussion can continue on IRC and email, and the committee will
plan to schedule another public meeting to vote on the bids.

Looking at the bids, we have a wide spread of timezones, but there is a
small overlap of hours (11:00-15:00 UTC) where we can hope to get
representatives from all the bidding teams:

$ undertime --no-default-zone -t UTC Europe/London 
America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires Asia/Bangkok Asia/Tokyo Asia/Kolkata 
║  UTC  │  Argentina/Buenos_Aires  │  Bangkok  │  Tokyo  │  Kolkata  │  
Mexico_City  │   n ║
║ 04:00 │          01:00           │   11:00   │  13:00  │   09:30   │     
22:00     │   3 ║
║ 05:00 │          02:00           │   12:00   │  14:00  │   10:30   │     
23:00     │   3 ║
║ 06:00 │          03:00           │   13:00   │  15:00  │   11:30   │     
00:00     │   3 ║
║ 07:00 │          04:00           │   14:00   │  16:00  │   12:30   │     
01:00     │   3 ║
║ 08:00 │          05:00           │   15:00   │  17:00  │   13:30   │     
02:00     │   3 ║
║ 09:00 │          06:00           │   16:00   │  18:00  │   14:30   │     
03:00     │   3 ║
║ 10:00 │          07:00           │   17:00   │  19:00  │   15:30   │     
04:00     │   3 ║
║ 11:00 │          08:00           │   18:00   │  20:00  │   16:30   │     
05:00     │   2 ║
║ 12:00 │          09:00           │   19:00   │  21:00  │   17:30   │     
06:00     │   3 ║
║ 13:00 │          10:00           │   20:00   │  22:00  │   18:30   │     
07:00     │   2 ║
║ 14:00 │          11:00           │   21:00   │  23:00  │   19:30   │     
08:00     │   2 ║
║ 15:00 │          12:00           │   22:00   │  00:00  │   20:30   │     
09:00     │   3 ║
║ 16:00 │          13:00           │   23:00   │  01:00  │   21:30   │     
10:00     │   3 ║
║ 17:00 │          14:00           │   00:00   │  02:00  │   22:30   │     
11:00     │   3 ║
║ 18:00 │          15:00           │   01:00   │  03:00  │   23:30   │     
12:00     │   2 ║
║ 19:00 │          16:00           │   02:00   │  04:00  │   00:30   │     
13:00     │   2 ║
║ 20:00 │          17:00           │   03:00   │  05:00  │   01:30   │     
14:00     │   2 ║
║ 21:00 │          18:00           │   04:00   │  06:00  │   02:30   │     
15:00     │   1 ║
║ 22:00 │          19:00           │   05:00   │  07:00  │   03:30   │     
16:00     │   1 ║
║ 22:30 │          19:30           │   05:30   │  07:30  │   04:00   │     
16:30     │   1 ║
║ 23:00 │          20:00           │   06:00   │  08:00  │   04:30   │     
17:00     │   1 ║
║ 00:00 │          21:00           │   07:00   │  09:00  │   05:30   │     
18:00     │   1 ║
║ 01:00 │          22:00           │   08:00   │  10:00  │   06:30   │     
19:00     │   1 ║
║ 02:00 │          23:00           │   09:00   │  11:00  │   07:30   │     
20:00     │   2 ║
║ 03:00 │          00:00           │   10:00   │  12:00  │   08:30   │     
21:00     │   2 ║

Please enter your availability here, and we can select a time-slot for
the meeting:
Times are in UTC.

If you are submitting a bid, and nothing there works for you, let me

If we can't find a time that works for everyone, we can spread this over
multiple meetings. But it would be much more convenient to do it all in
one go.

Stefano Rivera
for the DebConf Committee

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