Hello everyone, [This is mostly for the committee and the leader]
I wanted to highlight a pinpoint for the bursary team here - On Sun, Feb 4, 2024 at 4:10 PM Jongmin Kim <jm...@pukyong.ac.kr> wrote: > USD 59,966.88 travel > USD 44,807.13 bursary > USD 9,708.21 diversity > USD 35,098.92 general > USD 15,159.75 team > USD 3,584.57 dc25 > USD 2,613.75 debconf-ctte > USD 2,613.75 registration > USD 6,347.68 video There seems to be some gap here - miscommunication or simply misunderstanding. Let me point these out - Video Team - per the approved budget, there's ~6.35k USD allotted to the video team. But then, per https://lists.debian.org/debconf-video/2024/04/msg00006.html, there's an ask of ~13350 USD. I am not sure I follow. What the video team has asked, is it separate altogether from the pre-approved budget mentioned above? Will the pre-approved budget be amended once there's an ACK from the DPL? Or what? I am not sure how should I understand that as. There's no pre-approved budget for DC24 team and I think there should be. Until now, we've been taking it from the general bursary but I think there should be a separate budget for the core team of that particular DebConf. I am OK with doing it for this year, too, but I really think this should be fixed from next year onward. Lastly, the budget for the CTTE is just too low and unrealistic at this point. I think whilst making this budget, CTTE should clearly state how much they'll need and that amount should be reflected here. With this budget, I can barely approve 1.5 people from the CTTE and I am not sure what to do about it. I don't think it's sensible for the bursary team to keep going back and forth and ask for a budget extension. OTOH, these should be accounted for, to begin with. What do you think? Much confused, Utkarsh