Dear DebConf team (and DPL!),

The DebConf videoteam met last Friday and we agreed on the following budget 
request for travel, food and accommodation for the core videoteam.

Here is what we're asking (the info is also on the wiki [1]):

| ----------  Name ----------  | --- Travel --- | --- Accommodation --- | -- 
Food -- |
| Louis-Philippe Véronneau     | 2500 USD       | Yes                   | Yes   
| Carl Karsten                 | 2500 USD       | Yes                   | Yes   
| Kyle Robbertze               | 2200 USD       | Yes                   | Yes   
| Kurt Roeckx                  | 2500 EUR       | No                    | Yes   
| Kiran S Kunjumon             | 1200 EUR       | Yes                   | Yes   
| NicolasDandrimont            | 2000 EUR       | Yes                   | Yes   

Total: 7200 USD + 5700 EUR

We'll also need some budget for the videoteam shipping expenses from Paris, but 
we don't have a good estimate for this for now.



   ⣾⠁⢠⠒⠀⣿⡁  Louis-Philippe Véronneau
   ⢿⡄⠘⠷⠚⠋ /

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