Dear DebConf24 bidding teams,

Thank you very much for your willingness to organize DebConf24. Now that
the bids are in place, we would like to have some open discussion so we
can make an informed decision. This is a bit tricky given our timezones
are very different, but let's see if we can make it.

I propose we have an IRC meeting at the #debconf-team OFTC channel on
Friday, 2023-12-08, 13:00 UTC. This is that time in a few of the
relevant timezones for us:

America/Mexico_City  Fri  Dec  8  07:00:00  CST  2023
America/Bahia        Fri  Dec  8  10:00:00  -03  2023
Etc/UTC              Fri  Dec  8  13:00:00  UTC  2023
Europe/Lisbon        Fri  Dec  8  13:00:00  WET  2023
Europe/Paris         Fri  Dec  8  14:00:00  CET  2023
Asia/Kolkata         Fri  Dec  8  18:30:00  IST  2023
Asia/Seoul           Fri  Dec  8  22:00:00  KST  2023

For the bidding teams, please reply and let us know whether that works
for your team. Everyone else will have to adjust to your availability.

In this meeting, the Debconf team and other members of the Debian
community will be able to ask questions to the bidding teams, in order
to help us make a decision as to which bid will be selected to host
DebConf24. Everyone is encouraged to read the bid pages in advance:

on behalf of the DebConf24 committee

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