Hi Giacomo, Am Thu, Nov 02, 2023 at 08:56:19AM +0100 schrieb Giacomo Catenazzi: > On 1 Nov 2023 17:46, Andreas Tille wrote: > > I'd fully support this idea but I'm not sure whether the local team > > members of Vaumarcus and Cáceres are very active any more. It would be > > great to hear from past organisers. BTW, Vaumarcus was my all time > > DebConf favourite and from my (possibly very naive) point of view just > > asking whether this location is booked or not will not harm (similarly > > for Heidelberg). > > I think me, like others, are still following DebConf organization. OTOH I'm > not sure Vaumarcus is an option: not much hotels nearby and the venue is > small compared the expected attendance.
Maybe DebConf size has enlarged in the last 10 years but in 2013 I had the feeling that the venue is large enough - it had even a "Scenic hacklab". ;-) I was not sleeping in a tent at that time but I liked the idea and would be fine bringing my tent next time. > > Do not be shy. Organising part is full of satisfaction. +1 Kind regards Andreas. -- http://fam-tille.de