Thanks for the answer Santiago,
Le 09/08/2023 à 04:39, Santiago Ruano Rincón a écrit :
Dear local team, is it feasible for you to provide support (space,
infrastructure) for the request below, and also for the Live coding -
atelier permanent :
Could the above mentioned atelier permanent fit in a noisy hacklab?
I believe that the noisy hacklab could work.
## Invited live coders
For now there are some names in the radar to be invited, but the
invitation depends on the approval of this proposal.
Could you please clarify if they are already planning to attend
debconf23 or not?
Not, they aren't. I didn't invite yet. I would like to be sure that the
event will be possible before inviting people.
Joenio Marques da Costa
Research Software Engineer
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