Hi Tobias (2021.09.17_16:51:13_+0000)
> I hope you had a great DebConf. Now that it is over I like to ask you
> how the DebConf 2021 Program app worked for you?
> It would be great if you could share your personal experience which
> could be feature ideas, bug reports and general opinion about having
> the app for DebConf or even a friendly store rating.

Hard to answer that one as an organiser, I think that's more for our
users. I don't think I looked at it once during the conference, because
I was tied to a desk. If it had been an in-person conference, I would
have been relying on my phone for schedule-tracking a lot more.

Thanks for making the integration process easy, and doing the work to
get the apps published. The experience there was great.

> Also, is it correct that Wafer is now officially EventFahrplan
> compatible aka. Frab compatible as of
> https://github.com/CTPUG/wafer/releases/tag/v0.11.0?

Probably the version after that (not yet published). We fixed a couple
of bugs, including https://github.com/voc/schedule/issues/87 since


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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