Hi debconf-team (2021.09.14_18:15:29_+0000)
> Now that DC21 is over, we should find a new meeting time that suits the
> DC22 local team. If you would like to attend the team meetings, please
> enter your availability in this poll:
> https://storm.debian.net/shared/8wbK8JlMfFv0wpG8hCy-_KCQccTmUpPsqgaB8ll41GY
> The times are in UTC, adjust accordingly.
> The meeting will be on a recurring schedule, so please pick a time that
> fits your regular schedule. We'll probably meet every 2 weeks, or
> monthly until things get busier early next year.

I should say, if none of the proposed slots suit you, email the list
with a suggested slot addition, and we can add it.


Stefano Rivera
  +1 415 683 3272

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