Le lundi 26 avril 2021 à 19:39:30+0000, stefa...@debian.org a écrit :
> Hi,
> Are you willing to handle registration fee collection, again, for
> DebConf21?
> We were very happy with the process last year. I think we can use the
> same Stripe integration, unchanged.
> I'd expect similar cash-flow to last year (€4500).

Being the one involved in the whole process, assume it's a yes, but I'll
still poke the board to make it official.

Pour ca@, on fait un vote ou bien le fait que je dise ok vous va ?


Pierre-Elliott Bécue
GPG: 9AE0 4D98 6400 E3B6 7528  F493 0D44 2664 1949 74E2
It's far easier to fight for principles than to live up to them.

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