Hello again,

On Sat, Aug 01, 2020 at 07:25:45PM -0300, terce...@debian.org wrote:
> Hello,
> Given the feedback in this thread and on IRC, I went in a slightly
> different direction. I'm now proposing that we start every day at 12:00
> UTC, and finish at 03:00. We will have 4 3h blocks with 1h breaks
> between them.
> We will try our best to schedule speakers according to
> reasonable/business hours in their respective timezones.
> I hope to have an initial schedule Soon™.

Another change of plans: while assembling the schedule, we realized that
there is a lot more demand for earlier slots than for later slots. So we
decided to shift the entire backs 2h earlier. The schedule will run from
10:00 to 01:00 UTC, with the same structure as before (4 3h blocks with
1h break between them).

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