My mistake. I saw the photo in the registration and I thought I saw an
option to update the photo and thought we have the full resolution uploaded

If we do not have that, the I will just have an email based delivery system
and announce that in a couple of days.

On Mon, 20 Jul 2020, 21:20 Stefano Rivera, <> wrote:

> Hi Aigars (2020.07.19_11:07:49_+0000)
> > I am considering assembling a Debconf20 group photo from participant
> > mugshot photos in our registration system.
> They are using libravatar. I think historically Gravatar used 80x80
> images, so that's probably the quality available for most of them.
> Downsides to getting mugshots from the registration system:
> 1. Quality probably won't be great.
> 2. Less than 40% of the users have them.
>    Some people don't like to have their picture in services like
>    Gravatar/libravatar.  Signups tend to use addresses,
>    which doesn't have a federated libravatar server.
> > Can we add a checkbox to the form still? Something like: "Please include
> my
> > mugshot photo in the Debconf20 group photo"?
> Technically, yes, we could. Although I wish things like this came up
> before we opened registration. Changes to the process mean we have to
> prod people to go through it again.
> >  I will then also need a hint on how I can get access to the mugshot
> files
> > of people who checked that box.
> We could get you a list of libravatar URLs, or a tarball of images.
> But: I think we should look at some other approaches to getting
> mugshots, too:
> 1. A temporary git repo?
> 2. A nextcloud or something like that.
> 3. A dedicated collection form in the registration site?
> 4. Email?
> Or some/all of the above...
> SR
> --
> Stefano Rivera
>   +1 415 683 3272

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