Hi, it's Ray again.
Just thought I'd follow up on my last email -- I'd love it if you could link back to this article on your site, I think your readers learning Spanish, planning a trip to Argentina, or otherwise looking for a good read, will love this piece. https://www.livelingua.com/blog/argentinian-slang-terms/ [http://lemlist.livelingua.net/api/t/c/usr_oJbzi4gGa3RRmJbrB/tsk_8cR2BdWdKYLHTZmmb/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubGl2ZWxpbmd1YS5jb20vYmxvZy9hcmdlbnRpbmlhbi1zbGFuZy10ZXJtcy8=] Thanks! Have a great week. On Thu, Apr 23, 2020 6:53 PM, Ray Blakney <r...@livelingua.net [r...@livelingua.net]> wrote: > Hey, Ray Blakney here with Live Lingua (more about me here [http://lemlist.livelingua.net/api/t/c/usr_oJbzi4gGa3RRmJbrB/tsk_8cR2BdWdKYLHTZmmb/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubGlua2VkaW4uY29tL2luL3JheW1vbmRibGFrbmV5Lw==] ). I've enjoyed your site but wanted to pass along a resource that your readers should find interesting -- our guide to Argentinian slang terms. It's more thorough than the article you link to, and I'm hoping you'll swap out the link for ours: https://www.livelingua.com/blog/argentinian-slang-terms/ [http://lemlist.livelingua.net/api/t/c/usr_oJbzi4gGa3RRmJbrB/tsk_8cR2BdWdKYLHTZmmb/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cubGl2ZWxpbmd1YS5jb20vYmxvZy9hcmdlbnRpbmlhbi1zbGFuZy10ZXJtcy8=] Thanks for your time, I really do appreciate it and I think your readers will as well. picture [http://lemlist.livelingua.net/api/reply/data-ll-tsk_8cR2BdWdKYLHTZmmb]logo [http://lemlist.livelingua.net/api/track/open/usr_oJbzi4gGa3RRmJbrB/tsk_8cR2BdWdKYLHTZmmb]