This pre-reservation is to double check possible costs that can affect
the decision of the bid for 2021.

Kind regards
Jose M Calhariz

On Wed, Feb 05, 2020 at 07:00:18PM +0000, Jose M Calhariz via 
Groups.debconf-portugal.debconf-portugal wrote:
> Hi,
> As requested by the IT Headmaster, we started the process for
> pre-reservation of rooms.  Can anyone look into the attached
> spreadsheet and check we did not forgot any room or that the rooms are
> big enough.  Some of the spreadsheet is in Portuguese but I think it
> should not be a problem.
> For example:
> Are 2 BoF rooms enough for the two weeks?
> Hack lacks for 300 people enough for DebConf week?
> Kind regards
> Jose M Calhariz
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> debconf-portugal mailing list

        Quem não e liberal aos dezesseis anos e um insensível; quem
        não é um conservador aos sessenta é burro.
                -- Benjamin Disraeli

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