>>>>> "Gunnar" == Gunnar Wolf <gw...@debian.org> writes:
Gunnar> I understand this, and I understand this was one of the Gunnar> perceived failure points in the previous delegation model Gunnar> (the DebConf Chairs). However, the DebConf Team needs to Gunnar> take care that DebConf organization progresses as smoothly Gunnar> as possible - and that requires some degree of involvement; I agree that DCC members need to have involvement in following what is happening. They should be following enough to be aware of issues, and enough to have informed opinions should an issue reach the DCC. They should be following enough to give advice/mentorship. Gunnar> Gunnar> a DC Committee member that only tunes in to the discussions Gunnar> early in the year to choose the next venue is... IMO, a Gunnar> quite lacking definition. Yeah, I'd ask DCC members to commit more than that. I cannot speak to what has happened in the past, but I have confidence that we'll be able to choose members from the set of volunteers we have who will not just tune in for selecting the next location. I am not casting negativity at anything that has happened in the past. I can't speak to it because I don't know. Gunnar> I don't want this to be read as a criticism to people who Gunnar> have worked this way Agreed. >> The question is whether the committee should have a significant >> role in keeping track of how active the debconf team is and >> working to find volunteers to keep the organization vibrant. The >> proposal we got both in the nominations process and that we got >> in feedback at DC19 is that this should be a committee >> responsibility. Gunnar> I think being part of the Committee should imply members Gunnar> keep track of what's going on in orga (even if they cannot Gunnar> attend meetings or don't have the cycles to get deeply Gunnar> involved in every iteration of DebConf under their Gunnar> tenure). I expect Committee Members to, at least, read Gunnar> meetings minutes and help point at issues that are showing Gunnar> signs of possible upcoming failure or pain. Agreed.