Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana dijo [Mon, Nov 11, 2019 at 10:58:51AM -0300]:
> Hi Tzafrir,
> On 10/11/2019 08:14, Tzafrir Cohen wrote:
> > 
> > * Federman (2 beds rooms): 20$ per night person
> > * 2 person apartments: 21$ per night (per person). Not many, if
> > at all, of those rooms are likely to be available.
> What are the differences between Federman and "2 person apartments"?
> I didn't get it.

I understand that there are many more 2-bed rooms than 2-person
apartments. Usually apartments are quite a bit more ample and
comfortable than rooms; possibly apartments could be offered to
couples traveling with a child or something like that..?

Are the different dorms in the same vicinty? Would spreading our
people over them all make DebConf an environment less together 24/7?
If they are, say, adjacenct buildings, I think it would be preferable
to reserve several of each category, to be able to better match people
wanting (or needing) different things. If they are not together, I'd
prefer having people together.

> > * Bed sheets (including towels): 17,000₪ for 100 people (170₪ == 50$ per
> >  person). That's their price and we are likely to buy or rent elsewhere.
> > It is also probably reasonable to ask people to bring their own towels
> > (right?).
> I think so. Even the bed sheets too.

Right. although bed sheets are a bit large-ish for some travelers, we
can suggest people to bring their own. Or offer the possibility to
sell sheets to whoever prefers so (then people can either take the
sheets back home with them, or donate them to whatever charity...)

(hmmm... DebSheets? :-])

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