Hello debconf.org Team,

Hope this email brings you better business opportunity.

While making a thorough analysis we found your website is not fully updated
as per the latest guideline from Google. Believe me, companies have changed
their approach of traditional promotion and have introduced new methods to
promote websites.

Google wants its visitors to have the best possible experience and few
factors play an important role in determining your rank in SERP:

   - Non-competitive Keyword selection making traffic flow significantly
   - Site must be properly responsive for major browsers and devices.
   - Technical errors restrict from search engine Indexing.
   - Relevant content based links been ignored.
   - Your Social Media presence can be enhanced in better way.

We blend our offerings competitively to meet everyone’s business need,
keeping in mind every small and medium enterprises scope and limitations.
Our experts can prepare a Website Analysis Report to give you complete
insight of your site.

If you want, I can fix up an appointment with one of my certified analyst
for consultation on your website improvement.

Kindly revert back so that we can further communicate using our corporate
e-mail ID.

*Gabriel LiottaCertified Digital Marketing Expert*

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