Hi Daniel,

Thanks for the polite nudge forward (:

We just finished the local holiday season and getting back to routine.

I've started contacting potential local companies for sponsorship.
Tzafrir is communicating with the university dorms ask them have some
financial requirements we need to address.
He will also be responsible for the website and info.
I'll start to dispatch the other tasks to the team following a phone call
to everyone.

Next items on our agenda:
1. Getting in touch with the ministry for foreign affairs to check way how
to easy the visa process.
2. Dividing  tasks between team members.

We'll hold a team meeting on IRC in two weeks (November 7th or 8th), so
everyone can monitor the progress.


I'm not on IRC except for these meetings, I can be reached on various other
platforms, including +972-52-2235911 (for Telegram,Whatsapp)

On Sat, Oct 19, 2019 at 5:37 PM Daniel Lange <dla...@debian.org> wrote:

> Hi team Haifa,
> I hope you are enjoying your Sukkot holidays.
> After the holidays is about the time of the year when we need to get the
> organization of the next DebConf going.
> First and foremost we need to get regular team meetings set up so we can
> co-ordinate between the different teams and keep track of the most
> important issues.
> The tasks that need your attention first are:
> * Setup regular team meetings in #debconf-team on OFTC
>    (typically these are bi-weekly to monthly in this phase).
>    Please agree on a first meeting date and call for the team meeting via
>    an invitation email to the debconf-team mailing list.
> * Start completing the website https://debconf20.debconf.org .
>    One of the prospect Outreachy interns has created a helpful
>    checklist for what needs updating each year. Please see
>    https://wiki.debian.org/Teams/DebConf/WebTeam/AnnualWebsiteChecklist
>    and start to fill the site with Haifa-specific content.
>    Ideally stuff that people need to know for travel booking, visa etc.
>    first.
> * Start creating a budget (typically ledger files) for DebConf20 based
>    on previous years' budgets. This budget needs DPL approval before you
>    can spend from it. So ideally have it ready before you need to do
>    down-payments for suppliers.
> * Detail the timeline. When do you want to open registration, CFP etc.?
>    From what dates can you offer accommodation? (typically a day before
>    DebCamp for regular attendees ("arrival day") and a week or so earlier
>    for core orga people)
> * Start updating the fundraising material (brochure, flyer) so we can
>    address sponsors this year already as some want to spend out of 2019
>    budgets and some need to allocate funds while planning 2020 budgets.
> * The fundraising material, like the website, need a DebConf20 logo to
>    look consistent and have your branding.
>    Please work with the artwork team to get more submissions to
>    https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/20/Artwork/LogoProposals .
>    Another of the prospect Outreachy interns had a go at this, too.
>    Set a date (see timeline above) by when you want to decide.
>    The dates in the wiki page linked above seem copy & pasted from
>    DebConf19 so they need adjustments.
> * Track the list and status of major contracts you need to secure the
>    venue, accommodation and possibly local support for fundraising,
>    grants etc.
> There are many more tasks coming but the ones above are those that need
> to have visible progress soon. And that I could think of right now :).
> If somebody in CC is not yet subscribed to the debconf-team mailing list
> please subscribe yourself at https://lists.debian.org/debconf-team/ .
> The same if you do not yet have access to
> https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/data/dc20 . Create yourself
> a user on Salsa and ask in #debconf-team to get added to the repository
> configuration for write permissions.
> If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out via IRC
> or email.
> Kind regards,
> Daniel

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