Hello Daniel, Sam, and the rest of the Committee,

> (...)
> Therefore we'd like to ask team members to nominate themselves or
> nominate others that you think would be willing and capable to help
> oversee the DebConf organization across the years.
> You can do so by dropping an email to debconf-commit...@debian.org .
> We will ask third party nominees for their willingness to serve on the
> DCC via private email before any public mention.
> Please kindly send your email by 3 Nov 2019 AoE.
> (...)
> Sam has also expressed his thoughts on what he'd like to see in
> (future) DCC members:
> * Skills in problem solving and de-escalating conflict are valuable.
> * Significant DebConf experience is a must.
> * Pragmatism is important: at the end of the day we do need to run a
>   conference on a deadline.
> * Diversity is important.  It helps us think of new things to try, helps
>   various communities be heard, and helps us connect with local teams
>   around the world.  It also helps approach certain classes of conflict
>   that can happen.

I have been a DebConf organizer to different degrees for very long
(too long? 😉) and was a DebConf Chair between 2011 and 2014. I think
I cover the required points. I vey much enjoy organizing DebConf,
although my available time is not what it used to be; I am sure I can
devote the needed time and attention for the Committee, and will
probably always continue to be involved in the DebConf orga in some

This year I am *not* attending DebConf; would really love to go back
to Israel, but late August does really not work for me ☹ But I will
gladly be part of other teams from the distance. And I would love to
be a part of the Committee.

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