Hi, On 21/05/2019 18:21, Emmanuel Arias wrote: > > I was granted a travel bursary and I want to know if I have to buy the > flight ticket? > or you will do that? or you transfer me money and then I can buy the > tickes(?)
Other people made me the same question in private, and than I realized we don't use the word "reimbursement" on the bursaries page [1]. So, I did a MR [2] adding a topic about reimbursement there. We need pay attention with newcomers because many information we already know from our experience in previous DebConfs are not clear to them. And it's possible we have lack of information. [1] https://debconf19.debconf.org/about/bursaries/ [2] https://salsa.debian.org/debconf-team/public/websites/dc19/merge_requests/170/diffs Best regards, -- Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls) Curitiba - Brasil Debian Developer Diretor do Instituto para Conservação de Tecnologias Livres Membro da Comunidade Curitiba Livre Site: http://www.phls.com.br GNU/Linux user: 228719 GPG ID: 0443C450 Organizador da DebConf19 - Conferência Mundial de Desenvolvedores(as) Debian Curitiba - 21 a 28 de julho de 2019 http://debconf19.debconf.org
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