Hi Kyle, On 08/05/2019 12:16, Kyle Robbertze wrote:
>>> #H1 Omni-Directional Microphone >>> #H2 Microphone clip (attach to mic stand) for item #1 >>> #H3 Heavy duty Camera Tripod – Pan / Tilt head >>> #H6 Stereo DI box (2x 1/4” TRS socket to 2xXLR male) >>> #H11 Sound Mixer > > Generally we need 8 channel mixers with separate sub-groups and main mix > out. A Behringer QX2222USB [1] is a good example of what we need. Once > you have an suggestion from a hire place, let us know and we can guide > you around what would work for our needs. > > [1] https://getinthemix.2dimg.com/1/1483630040_5037.jpg Ok. Don't forget send me photos to #H1 #H2 #H3 and #H6 too :-) >>> #H4 RF Headset microphone / Receiver Pair >>> #H5 RF Hand-held microphone / Receiver Pair >> >> "Receiver Pair" is one box for 2 microphones, like this? >> >> https://cdnv2.moovin.com.br/chedas/imagens/produtos/original/sistema-de-microfone-sem-fio-duplo-uhf-com-2-bastoes-de-mao-u585-jwl-dacbbf0e356cd1804febc60f4bb3f22a.jpg >> > > No, as in the receiver is paired to a microphone. We need 2 handheld > wireless mics and 2 headset (not lapel) mics in each of the three > videoed rooms. Ok. I got this part you wrote before about 2 handheld wireless mics and 2 headset. My question is: do you want 1 receiver with only 1 microphone [1], or we can rent 1 receiver with 2 microphones [2]? [1] http://www.keksound.com.br/produto/1808/imagem/4/0/microfone-sem-fio-karsect-kru301-m-uhf.jpg [2] https://cdnv2.moovin.com.br/chedas/imagens/produtos/original/sistema-de-microfone-sem-fio-duplo-uhf-com-2-bastoes-de-mao-u585-jwl-dacbbf0e356cd1804febc60f4bb3f22a.jpg >>> #H12 1/4" TRS jack to XLR female short adapter cable >>> #H13 3.5mm TRS jack stereo to 2x1/4” TRS jack mono >>> #H14 SDI (BNC Plug → BNC Socket) cable reel for audience camera >> >> Photos too, please. > > #H12 - > http://elitecoreaudio.com/store/media/catalog/product/cache/2/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/x/l/xlrf-trs_3.jpg > #H13 - http://i.ebayimg.com/images/i/272277546739-0-1/s-l1000.jpg > #H14 - > https://images.pvs.global/procab/products/PRX107-50.png?width=2048&404=default-6 Nice! The photo for H13 is empty. Best regards, -- Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls) Curitiba - Brasil Debian Developer Diretor do Instituto para Conservação de Tecnologias Livres Membro da Comunidade Curitiba Livre Site: http://www.phls.com.br GNU/Linux user: 228719 GPG ID: 0443C450 Organizador da DebConf19 - Conferência Mundial de Desenvolvedores(as) Debian Curitiba - 21 a 28 de julho de 2019 http://debconf19.debconf.org
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