Hi Yao,

The digital services of the Brazilian Government do not use a valid
root certificate[1]. They use a digital government certificate, which
is not yet accepted or recognized by default in browsers[2].
You can accept this certificate as trustworthy and try again.

[2] https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=438825

Valessio Brito

Em sex, 5 de abr de 2019 às 23:25, Yao Wei <m...@debian.org> escreveu:
> Hi,
> As stated, there are few problems I've encountered during visa
> applcation:
> Q1: The visa application website's certificate seems to be problematic.
> When I enter the visa application link from the Brazil Embassy in
> Taipei:
>   http://taipe.itamaraty.gov.br/zh/rr_-_visa.xm
> Which links to here:
>   https://scedv.serpro.gov.br/
> Firefox warns me about invalid certificate.  After bypassing the
> warning, I got redirected to another domain name, with another invalid
> certificate warning:
>   https://formulario-mre.serpro.gov.br/
> To see if anyone else have the same issue, here's the information of
> the certificate of the visa registration website:
> Issued To
> Common Name (CN): formulario-mre.serpro.gov.br
> Organization (O): ICP-Brasil
> Organization Unit (OU): Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil - RFB
> Serial Number: 02:F3:43
> Issued By
> Common Name (CN): Autoridade Certificadora do SERPRORFB SSL
> Organization (O): ICP-Brasil
> Organization Unit (OU): Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil - RFB
> Period of Validity
> Begins On: November 22, 2018
> Expires On: November 22, 2019
> Fingerprints
> SHA-256 Fingerprint:
>   A2:45:21:7E:44:4F:C2:14:A3:9D:0E:C6:22:17:BA:45:
>   35:7B:6E:8B:9E:C6:C4:68:2C:46:A3:D9:89:15:05:69
> SHA1 Fingerprint:
>   63:E5:C1:87:21:CE:6A:8C:6A:CE:D0:60:72:6E:73:46:E7:B6:47:E9
> Q2: Another valid proof of attending this conference for visa and
> immigration office.
> The visa information page:
>   https://debconf19.debconf.org/about/visas/
> says that "Please bring a printout of your registration confirmation
> email, for immigration officers to examine."  However, the email doesn't
> say that DebConf19 happens in Brazil.
> What else is also recommended to bring for visa application and
> immigration office's examination?
> Best regards,
> Yao Wei

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