
El 23 de marzo de 2019 17:00:04 CET, Jonathan Carter <j...@debian.org> escribió:
>Hash: SHA512
>Dear DebConf Team
>Bursary applications for DebConf19 closes on 2019-04-15.
>We aim to have the final decisions posted on 2019-04-30.
>There are two areas where we need help, we already have some
>volunteers, but can do with a few more.
>1. Reviewing bursary requests and scoring:
>This is the bulk of the work that needs to be completed. We have a
>scoring system by which you assign a score based on different aspects.
>Although it's not essential, ideally people who want to do this should
>really have been to a few DebConfs already and know a wide range of
>people in the community.
>If you're applying for a bursary, you can still review bursaries,
>since someone else will evaluate your file.
>Because we want to be ready by close of bursary registration, please
>reply to me and indicate your interest by 2019-04-01.

I am available.

>2. Documentation / shadowing:
>I stepped up to take care of bursaries this year, but I'm unsure
>whether I'll have the time to do that next year as well. I need one or
>two people to follow me through the process, help document it and
>hopefully even step up to take care of bursaries next year.

This depends on the timing, if you don't get another volunteer ping me and I 
can try.

Thanks for your availability to lead the team this year, Jonathan!

Kind regards
Laura Arjona Reina
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