On Wed, Mar 20, 2019 at 11:18:44AM -0300, Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana wrote:
> Hi,
> On 3/20/19 9:52 AM, Daniel Lange wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > So, congratulations, to the Israeli bid team:
> > Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to host the Debian
> > Developer Conference 2020 in Haifa!
> Congratulations to Israel team.
> I'd have liked to have seen a public discussion from DebConf Committee
> how it was on previous years
> > To make life a bit easier for the many Debian members in Europe, and
> > those restricted in travel, we would like to have DebConf21 in Europe
> > again. 
> I think this part is not fair with countries outside Europe.
> Yesterday on the #debconf utkarsh2102 said: "India would be bidding for
> 2021."

It seems fair to me. We had Asia last year, most people are not in Asia,
2020 is in Israel which is basically right between Asia and Africa, so
it only seems fair to go back to where we where the longest time ago.

2015    Europe
2016    Africa
2017    North America
2018    Asia
2019    South America
2020    Israel, somewhere between Europe, Africa

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