On 06.10.2018 21:39, Adriana Cássia wrote:
Hi Nicolas,
Em seg, 10 de set de 2018 14:58, Adriana Cássia <adriana....@gmail.com
<mailto:adriana....@gmail.com>> escreveu:
Hi Nicolas,
Thanks a lot for the information. May I join in the bursaries team?
It's very likely that during the process I will ask some "newbie
questions", but I will try to do my best.
I would like to know what are the next steps.
Bursaries are given after registration open. From past, there will be a
call to bursaries members on a meeting near the registration opening.
For now it is not useful to form that team: many people will not know if
they will have enough time for bursaries (because work and real life).
As you know from past DebConf, it is important to have quick decisions,
so it is important to know if one do not have time.
For now the bursaries ball is mostly on local team: prepare a good
budget (with enough bursaries budget, so the trade-off of perfect
on-site experience vs. more people), and convince DPL to give more
budget for bursaries and for special cases (newbies, diversity, ...)
(maybe from Debian budget).
So, inside local team, you may look the budget from bursaries point of view.
An other idea: try to create a "local bursary team" for volunteers and
organizers. This will take some time, because you must define what
amount of on-site work is necessary for a specific perk (food, food and
accommodation, food/accommodation/travel), and it needs a lot of
coordination between all specific teams. [and also a good balanced
budget]. Note: this was (on other form) discussed on past, but never
took off, so it would be a great accomplishment if you can do it (and it
would offload some work on main bursaries team [and so it is also a
reason to requires some local team in bursaries])
So do not worry about not being yet contacted. Note: the old IRC is also
a good way to do ping and to have some informal information.
PS: on tonight meeting, it would nice to discuss the timeline of DebConf