Hi Jonathan,

----- Mensagem original -----
> De: "Jonathan Carter, highvoltage" <j...@debian.org>
> How about https://wiki.debian.org/DebConf/19/TeamRoles ? It already
> exists and is at least already mostly populated.

Ok, but it's necessary not brazilians fill it.
> That page should probably migrate to the Debian wiki too, and then I
> suppose you could link there from TeamRoles.

Could you write there the current committee?
I remember you showed at BoF.

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Curitiba - Brasil
Membro da Comunidade Curitiba Livre
Site: http://www.phls.com.br
GNU/Linux user: 228719  GPG ID: 0443C450

Apoie a campanha pela igualdade de gĂȘnero #HeForShe (#ElesPorElas)  

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