
I'm creating a new thread to write a summary about how we are with
accommodation. Please, feel free to ask/suggest anything.

Until our (global + local team) fist presencial meeting in Taiwan, we were
thinking we need to receive the money from SPI using a local trust
organization to pay the hotel. Global team told us SPI can pay the hotel
directly with an international transaction. And this is much better for us
(local team) :-)

Since June we are negotiating with Nacional Inn Hotel because:
- It is the nearest hotel from the venue.
- It is a good hotel.
- It has a lot of rooms and bedrooms.
- The staff has been kind with us. Before someone say it's not a great
thing the hotel staff be kind with us, I would like to say it is not true
to everybody here. Like I said before, some hotels believe they are doing a
favor hosting us, even we paying a lot to them. Not be kind with customers is a
issue here in Brazil in some places. In Curitiba usually sellers are
kind with costumers, but sometimes, not.

After DC18, we (me, Daniel and Terceiro) had a meeting with Lucimara (Nacional
Inn) to told her the money will come from abroad. We said to her that SPI could
pay with international wire-transfer, but she said they had tried to do this
with other event on the past and it didin't work to them. She said the best way
is using credid card. 

I asked to Martin Michlmayr (SPI) if it's possible to pay the hotel using credit
card, and he said it will be possible. Yesterday he called to Jacyrah
(Lucimara's boss) and they started to deal with this.

Nacional Inn proposed a schedule to pay (considering currency conversion today):
2018-10-01 10%: USD  5,908.31
2019-03-01 50%: USD 29,541.53
2019-07-01 20%: USD 11,816.61
2019-07-26 20%: USD 11,816.61
TOTAL =       USD 59,083.07

Since from the beginning we (local team) and Lucimara agreed we must have a
contract. It is not done yet because we were dealing with how SPI will pay
the Hotel. We have until october to write it, and insert details like what
happen if we cancel the reservations, what we can do and what we can't do
there, what the hotel offers, so on.

I would like to explain I feel uncomfortable when some of you seem don't
believe we already had thought about write a contract, for instance, and repeat
many times the paymants only will be done if there is a contract. I know the
intention is not to be mean with us, but everyone needs to remember how
stressful it is to organize an event.

I can say for me (and I believe the others members here feel the same): I am
committed to always asking for help, and always being transparent when I have a
problem. I'm very help to organize DC19 because I will help Debian Community
and I will learn a lot how to organize a international event, but I believe we
can teach too (why not?) with our experience to organize local and national
events. So, trust us too :-)

And I have a request: please, you don't need always to remember how difficult is
to deal with money in non-US-Europe countries because we have don't use the
same US system. It is sad to hear complaints about how difficult was to send
money to Brazil in 2004, to Taiwan, to South Africa (I think). We are not better
or worst than US-Europe, we are just different. When I hear complaints about
that, I think "maybe it will be better to have DebConfs only in US and Europe
to be easier to everybody", and this is not inclusive with non-US-Europe 

About how many slots (beds) we were planning to have at hotel, after I talked
with Terceiro and Adriana yesterday, I believe I found the problem: I was
thinking to have as many beds as possible to everybody who wants to come to
DebConf19. I mean, even a person that is just a user, who never had contributed
to Debian, but wants to come, we could offer a bed for free. My thought was: if
we have a lot of beds, we will looking for to have a lot of attendees :-) I'm
not saying we will not have newbies, but probably I was thinking to have much
more, and it seems to be a mystake. Learned :-)

Best regards,

Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana (phls)
Curitiba - Brasil
Membro da Comunidade Curitiba Livre
Site: http://www.phls.com.br
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