On Fri, Aug 10, 2018 at 11:12:09AM +0100, Matthew Vernon wrote:
> On 10/08/18 09:28, Jonathan McDowell wrote:
> > Legitimate interest should be a suitable basis for processing such
> > information; it sounds like a reasonable chunk of the funding for
> > DebConf was conditional on these government funds, so in order to run
> > the conference it's required to hand the details over. However this is
> > something that should have been made apparent to attendees up front, so
> > they could make an informed decision about whether to attend or not.
> > DebConf team, please note this for future DebConfs.
> I think we should be telling people in advance how we will use their
> personal data. Even if this is legally OK, I think some Debconf
> attenders will be (not unreasonably) unhappy about their data being used
> like this without their consent.

For the avoidance of doubt I think we're in full agreement here. *If* we
had informed people up front before registration there wouldn't be an
issue with legitimate interest as a justification but because we haven't
we should be contacting attendees before sharing their information.


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