
Wouter Verhelst:
> On Sat, Aug 04, 2018 at 04:56:00AM +0000, Ulrike Uhlig wrote:
>> Furthermore, I would like to see a policy in which BoFs may be
>> explicitly choses by the participants to be no-photo zones, on top of
>> being marked as "non-recorded".

> If you do not want to be on a photo, a lanyard idea (which applies to a
> small group of people only) seems like a good idea; it allows a
> photographer to see, while taking the photo, that there is one person in
> that photo who would prefer not to be photographed, and they can
> proceed. Obviously this would not work when the group of people is large
> (like a photo in the hacklab of everyone in the room; you cannot
> reasonably expect photographers to check everyone in a room with 100
> people before taking a photo).
> A room which is explicitly marked as "no photos in this room please"
> would work too. You can have signs at the entraces to that room, and
> anyone going in would know to leave their cameras at the door (or, at
> least, to switch them off).


> But to have some BoFs marked as "photos okay", and then the next BoF in
> the same room be marked as "photos not okay" is just unworkable, and
> effectively forbids photos alltogether.

Wouter, thanks for your valuable input.
You convinced me :)


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