Hi 皇甫, 先前有諮詢"托育小幫手"師生比的問題 我們找的工作內容是孩童陪伴(又名:陪玩),不得涉及生理照護(例如洗澡、換尿布) 就諮詢結果,保母的收托上限不適用於孩童陪伴/伴讀 因網路上只有保母的制式合約,所以我用保母的制式合約,並拿掉生理照護部分
目前找到的兩名照護人員:一名有保母執照、一名未表示有保母執照(應該沒有) 孩童照護的年齡分布: 五名都是三到七歲,其中一名只會參加約兩天 若活動中有任何臨時委託,會確保比例在1:3以下 Hi HuangFu, I consulted sitter/child ratio problem with Bananny (a match making company for sitter) before. The job content for sitters is just companying with children which is exclude any kinds of physiological care. According to the consultancy, the law for the maximum number of children does not apply to this kind of job. Because there is only standard contract for nanny on the web, I remove all the physiological care parts based on the standard contract. The two sitters we found, one declares she has licence, another one does not mention licence(likely no) Info abount children: 5 children (3 year-old ~ 7 year-old), one of the children may only attend about 2 days. If we have any temporary childcare request during conference, we will make sure the sitter/child ratio is less than 1:3. Z. Huangfu <huan...@ocf.tw> 於 2018年6月21日 下午3:13 寫道: > Hi 建宇, > > 合約基本上沒問題,但有幾個跟托育人員和托育對象相關的事情想請你確認: > > 請問托育人員有無保母執照? > 預計托育的年紀範圍, 總人數限制? > 這種臨時托育是否有法規上的師生比限制? DebConf 預計聘請幾位照護人員? > > 以下資訊供參考: > 平常居家保母可收托人數上限是 4 人 , 其中收托未滿2歲者最多2人 > 托嬰中心的臨托服務師生比是 1:5 > 幼兒園: 二歲以上至未滿三歲幼兒之班級 1:8 > 幼兒園: 三歲以上至入國民小學前幼兒之班級 1:15 > > 再請你回覆了,謝謝 > > Best, > 皇甫 > > Z. Huangfu <huan...@ocf.tw> 於 2018年6月21日 下午12:49 寫道: > >> Hi 建宇, >> >> 合約已收到並已請 OCF 董事長審閱,待董事長確認後會再通知你,謝謝 >> >> Best, >> 皇甫 >> >> 2018-06-19 9:16 GMT+08:00 gavinlai <gavin...@debconf.org>: >> >>> Hi 皇甫, >>> >>> 您好,我是建宇,負責籌辦DebConf孩童照護的部份 >>> >>> 近日已找到合適的孩童照護的人員 >>> 我有收到OCF回覆的"僱用臨時工給予薪資的流程" >>> 除了請對方簽領據以外,還希望與他們簽訂合約 >>> >>> 不知道OCF是否能協助簽訂/審視合約? >>> 合約連結: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gK6cnPCaq0DojF5JCKNvCORX >>> BDFnoUwQF4Gpaf7dxqc/edit?usp=sharing >>> 可以的話,我會請孩童照護人員簽名寄給OCF >>> >>> 謝謝 >>> >>> >>> Hi HuangFu, >>> >>> I'm responsible for childcare part in DebConf >>> >>> Recently, we've found proper sitters for childcare. >>> I've read the "reimburse process for temporary workers" mail from OCF. >>> mail thread: [DebConf18] 僱用臨時工給予薪資的流程 >>> Besides to sign the receipt, I would like to have a contract with them. >>> >>> Can OCF help to sign and review the contract? >>> Contract URL: https://docs.google.com/docume >>> nt/d/1gK6cnPCaq0DojF5JCKNvCORXBDFnoUwQF4Gpaf7dxqc/edit?usp=sharing >>> If it is ok, I will contact sitters to sign the contract and sent it to >>> OCF. >>> >>> Thanks >>> >> >> >