Hi Yao,

> > I understand that a number of people have had their bursary request
> > denied already. How will raising the budget figure into that?
> jcc responded during my sleep.

Indeed, although he did not yet reply to my first question (quoted
above) regarding people who have already been rejected. As I mention
in my response, this would seem to have implications regarding speed
of getting back to people so perhaps you can help in the meantime.

> The on-site accommodation itself is free, but it doesn't provide
> mattresses, blankets and pillows to sleep on, so without them we have to
> sleep on the hard floor.

Are you sure attendees are aware of these things? (I also note you
plan to ask everyone to bring umbrellas.)  These non-trivial
considerations don't seem to be being communicated which will
certainly affect whether some people wish to stay at the venue or even
attend whatsoever, therefore also having bursary implications.

> I am wondering if selling used things after conference is not
> appropriate here.

I still don't think I fully understand, sorry.


     : :'  :     Chris Lamb
     `. `'`      la...@debian.org / chris-lamb.co.uk

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