Hi, In this email I am looping in both NCTU and DebConf organization team people (also this is a public thread).
The new director of MIRC (which is different from the CS dept director) declined to sponsor us the venue, and now CS dept is trying to cover the fee by getting other governmental funds. However, the funds cannot be used to pay the venue fee. CS dept asked us to pay MIRC but in exchange CS dept will pay us catering and conference dinner in the same amount, but both of them will go through public bidding process. Is that acceptable on DebConf side? I know there was a document that has been signed by CS dept director (attached in this email), but could NCTU people explain this? (Chinese below) 這封信我會把交大跟 DebConf 的籌辦團隊拉進來(同時這也是公開的 mailing list)。 新上任的資電館主任(資工系主任是另一位)拒絕贊助我們場地,現在由資工系在申請政府補助來涵蓋這部份的費用,但是政府補助沒辦法直接支付交大的場地費(因為是交大申請的),所以資工系請我們支付資電館的場地費,同時資工系會付我們餐飲跟晚宴的費用,但餐飲跟晚宴的費用受限於政府採購法,必須要公開招標。請問這個部份在 DebConf 這邊是否能夠接受? 我知道資工系主任之前有簽過一份合約,這部份是否也可以請老師解釋? Thanks, Yao Wei
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DebConf18-Venue and Accommodation.pdf
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