at bottom :-

On 11/05/2018, David Bremner <> wrote:
> shirish शिरीष <> writes:
>> at bottom :-
>> Hi,
>> Correct me if I'm wrong. AFAIK Open Day is the same day where also the
>> day trips are also happening.
> That is incorrect. You can find the correct dates at
> d

Dear David,

Thank you for the correction. Even then the Open Day as being shared
from the wiki could be tricky to navigate if there are more events
happening that day as seen from , specifically as many
of the suggestions seem to be pretty interesting if taken on that day.

There is another aspect which I dunno if Yao Wei has talked with NCTU
or not ? From what I could ascertain,  IF it is to be a 2 day fair
than the second day the stall would have to be public place of the
venue,  Apart from Debian attendees, would NCTU have any objections if
the public space is used in that way and how much crowded would the
public place be or not ?

If one looks at the 14 odd companies which can present themselves at
job fair according to and  the
number of organizations tiered shown according to then maybe having 2 day fair may be a
good idea.

Also Open Day would be the day that many people would be landing as
well so that also needs to be taken into account. I am open to be
convinced that it is a bad idea but personally don't really see any
harm.  Lunch and tea-breaks could be the best time to interact with
companies as well as evening time . I don't see them interfering with
Debian's time-table at all.

          Shirish Agarwal  शिरीष अग्रवाल
  My quotes in this email licensed under CC 3.0
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